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Topic : Where are some good places to publish free flash fiction? This question has been asked about paying markets, but does anyone know good places for putting up flash fiction just to build readership? -

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This question has been asked about paying markets, but does anyone know good places for putting up flash fiction just to build readership?

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Books of flash fiction usually list the places where the included pieces have been previously published. So you can safely assume that those journals accept flash. Send your stuff to those.

Might be a good idea to visit their websites to double-check.

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Create a web site and publish them there.

Create a Facebook page and post them there.

Publish them in collections in ebook form. And in paperback, if you want to.

You don't need all that many to make a publishable collection. I've published standalone short stories as short as 3000 words. That makes for a pretty darned thin paperback, but I do sell a few copies.

I haven't tried Wattpad myself, but a few writer friends of mine (whose stories sell way better than mine) swear by that for building readership.

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