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Topic : Synonym for 'overly obvious'? Writing about Waugh. Nanny Hawkins is first described thus: 'her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between then, a rosary; she was fast asleep'. I find the -

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Writing about Waugh. Nanny Hawkins is first described thus:
'her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between then, a rosary; she was fast asleep'.
I find the rosary reference to be TOO blatant, superfluous, redundant... what can I call it other than 'overly-obvious'?

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The word 'obvious' doesn't really have degrees; something is generally obvious or it's not. What you might be looking for:

flagrant: shockingly noticeable or evident
ostentatious: intended to attract notice
glaring: very conspicuous or obvious

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"On the nose" might work, though the phrase isn't all that well known outside of Hollywood. Unsubtle?

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