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Topic : Re: technical subjects - non-fiction vs fiction This is a question I tried to ask in Novelizing non-fiction, is it worth it? But was un-clear and maybe too generic. Let’s say I am a scuba diving -

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I would say write what you are capable of. If your talents are non-fiction, straight to the point works then definitely write it that way. But if you are very skilled at writing fiction stories detailing adventures or thought-provoking ideas, then do that. Personally, I would write a fiction novel detailing all the technical experience of advanced diving techniques through an engaging story. I believe that this is more likely to stick with a reader than it would if it were a dry "here's how to do this" type thing.

As a plus, anyone who is serious about diving is going to be able to connect with your story on a personal level, increasing the level of engagement and likely retention as well. But, again, stick with what you do best. If you write good stories, tell a good story.

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