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Topic : Re: Should you use two spaces after a period, or just a single one? I had heard some debate on this topic, and I had always learned to use two spaces after a period. But it would seem there -

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When writing for publication, professional or otherwise, this is not a matter of preference. Your best bet is to consult a style guide.

I use The Chicago Manual of Style. I believe most style guides call for one space. I grew up using two spaces, but thanks to Microsoft Word's grammar and style checking, it automatically corrects when I mess up and try to put in two spaces.

If you're not writing for publication, then it is a matter of preference and no one can give you a right or wrong answer.

UPDATE: Since one of the other answers references an online article, I figured I would do the same. See Grammar Girl's brief, informative, and rantless post, "How Many Spaces After A Period?". She also says to use one space. However, she also says this:

Although how many spaces you use is ultimately a style choice, using one space is by far the most widely accepted and logical style. The Chicago Manual of Style (1), the AP Stylebook (2), and the Modern Language Association (3) all recommend using one space after a period at the end of a sentence. (emphasis mine)

If you plan on publishing, one space is your best bet. If in doubt, find which style guide your market adheres to and go with that.

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