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Topic : Don't worry about it. If you feel the need to bare your soul to the reader, go ahead and explain your situation in some section labeled 'preface' or 'about the author' or something. I -

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Don't worry about it. If you feel the need to bare your soul to the reader, go ahead and explain your situation in some section labeled 'preface' or 'about the author' or something. I mean, there are so many trash authors out there who do ARE native speakers of English and convey their stories with all the voice and passion of an accountant whose sole interaction with the real world excludes all but some basement in Oregon where he calls talk-radio and run his mouth with smack-addled gibberish until the bewildered and frustrated producer simply cuts him off and the MC says ' . . . okay . .. next caller!' And have you ever read Hemingway? A very popular and respected author whose grasp of vernacular included such a repetitive use of 'good' that the sporadic smattering of 'nice' fluttered upon my eyes as the radiant lashings of angelwings taking to flight from the pages. And Faulkner. . . UH!~ he didn't actual WRITE english as much as recklessly mash english sounding words together in such long tirades it was naught but possible to distinguish any plot or substance. I might be exaggerating a tad.

In any case, even if your story is the sort which is not very popular in your native tongue, you should not let this discourage you. Your prospective topic could be unpopular simply because of a vacancy of decent material, in which case, writing such a story in your native language could become a hugely rewarding endeavor! Eitherway, it sounds to me like you're better off writing in your native language and then translating into english. Don't bother with 'hiring' some 'professional' that's not the proper way. Befriend a Hip American Intellectual, a rare breed found often at coffee shops or dive-bars, whose loyalty and utter devotion can be easily bartered with cigarettes and the mere promise of being mentioned in the aforementioned preface. They are probably also unemployed and would be seeking a good reference to put on their resume.

Anyway, just write however you can, so long as you can actually write a story hats off!

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