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Topic : Re: Main character trouble So when I'm trying to write backstories for all of my main chars and side chars I can get the general idea on how I want them to act what they have been through ETC. -

10% popularity

Here are some things you might think about, related to the character's power:

How did the character come to have the power?
How did the character discover having the power?
How did the character learn to control the power?
What mistakes did the character make while learning to use the power? Who was hurt by those mistakes?
What does the character not yet know about the power?
Who else has the power?
Who helped the character learn about the power and how to use it?
What people mattered most to the character prior to this story?
How did people react to the character having or using the power?
What conflicts arose from the character's use of the power?
What does the character want in life?
How does having the power help with that? How does it hinder?
Finish this sentence about the character's attitude: This character is the kind of person who goes through life ...
How does having the power affect that attitude?
Who benefits from the way the character uses the power?
Who is hurt by the way the character uses the power?

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