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Topic : Re: How to write a book in 2 weeks? I got challenged to write a book of 100 pages in two weeks. I see this challenge as a game that can be played in many different ways. What are the most -

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As "what" mentioned above, NaNoWriMo is definitely a great resource to use to motivate you to produce a lot of writing in a limited amount of time. For your current project, these are my suggestions:

Pace yourself. Plan out how much you plan to write each day to meet your goal of 100 pages in 2 weeks. (That's approximately 7 pages a day, but you'll probably want some time to revise, so go for 8-10 pages a day.)
Jot down your ideas when you're not writing. If sudden inspiration strikes and you can't write at the moment, record them so you don't forget later.
Don't worry too much about logistics at first. First "dump" and just write all your ideas. Keep going and don't dwell too much on the perfect word or way to phrase something. You can polish all of that during the editing period. Stopping too often to change details will make you lose your train of thought.
Beat writer's block. It's bound to happen. Find out what works for you (e.g. reading, taking a quick jog, etc. Every writer has their own preferences.)

Good luck! I hope you find this project enjoyable and very rewarding.

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