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Topic : Re: How far into a story can I go until not physically describing main characters becomes really weird? I'm writing a Third-Person POV Fantasy, and I want to publish online, but I can't give a -

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I think readers need some general idea about the physical characters. It's generally a good idea if we know gender, for example. But other than that, I'd say most of your description can (and should) come as needed. Show what your characters look like by having them do things. A strong man can be called on to lift something, an old person can hobble, or whatever.

In terms of more detailed descriptions? A lot of rookie writers want to have a paragraph letting the readers know details of the character, and it leads to those painful look-in-the-mirror-and-describe-yourself passages, especially in first person. I don't need to know the character's eye colour and hair style, I don't need to know what the character is wearing unless it ties into characterization or plot, etc.

So, as a writer, I try to describe physical features when they're important. If my MC sees another character and forms an instant impression based on appearance, I need to give enough description to explain that impression. If other people are judging by MC based on appearance, I need to make sure readers understand what that appearance is. Other than that? Leave it out.

That said, if a feature of appearance is going to become important later in the book, I'd say it's a good idea to introduce that feature as soon as possible, before the reader has formed their own picture of the character in their head. This can generally be done organically, as described above, but if, for example, your character has a big birthmark on her face but spends the first half of the book hanging out with people who know her and don't notice the mark anymore, and then is shunned during the second half when she starts hanging out with strangers? I'd mention the birth mark as soon as possible, just so it doesn't come out of nowhere later on.

So - descriptions only as needed, worked in organically whenever at all possible, and if somehow remarkable, they should be mentioned before the readers have a chance to form their own picture of the character.

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