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Topic : Re: How far into a story can I go until not physically describing main characters becomes really weird? I'm writing a Third-Person POV Fantasy, and I want to publish online, but I can't give a -

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First a disclaimer: There are always exceptions to every rule, especially when it comes to writing - some people can do completely opposite things to each other, and still produce good works.

That said, I would suggest as a good rule of thumb, that you never explicitly describe physical characteristics, unless they are related to something else in the story. It's like how you don't take the time to list the species of every tree your characters pass - because it doesn't matter.

For a rough example, think of the Belgariad series. I know that Polgara has dark hair with a white streak, because it's relevant to the story. I know that Garion has sandy hair, for the same reason. But I have no idea what color Belgarath's hair is, despite him being a main character of equal importance to the others. It might have been mentioned, it might not, but it's not related to story which means it doesn't matter.

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