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Topic : Re: How important is education for an author? By education I do not mean to ask how important a degree in English is for an author. A literate person, without any formal education, could pen an -

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Importance for what? For success? If so how is that measure? Are you referring to becoming a NY time best seller? I'll assume you are.

Look at authors like George RR Martin or JK Rowling or Stephanie Meyer or EL James or christopher Paolini . Some of them write great, others, not so much. Yet they all have sold massive amounts of books.

JK Rowling has a Bachelors of Arts degree; Martin has a MS in Journalism, Meyer has a bachelors as well, and James has some college but not an actual degree.
All have a some degree of higher education and I think it can be seen in their writing ability yet all are fairly successful. Christohper Paolini is a rare exception with only a home schooled education, though he has taken other courses.

In short it doesn't seem to matter from a sales perspective. However from a literary perspective I think it does matter to some degree.

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