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Topic : Addressing "logo-ification" of an organization's name in their literature I need help finding some style rules to address an issue with a client. I'm working with an organization whose logo uses -

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I need help finding some style rules to address an issue with a client. I'm working with an organization whose logo uses caps and italics with no spacing, like so:
Kind of '90s, but whatever.
The problem is, every time they write out their company name on the web or printed media, they do it with caps and italics. So it looks like this:

VANDELAYindustries consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mollis lorem nisl, ac egestas odio tincidunt sed. Mauris ligula VANDELAYindustries nisi, fermentum ut libero eget, eleifend tincidunt metus. Donec fermentum, quam non maximus dictum, felis magna scelerisque lorem, sit amet mollis turpis mauris quis erat. Phasellus sapien nunc, eleifend vitae ex ut, porttitor imperdiet eros.
Suspendisse tempus semper hendrerit. Mauris vestibulum tincidunt rutrum. Aenean cursus quis metus in porta. Praesent in massa hendrerit, pulvinar nisl non, tempor ligula. Vivamus eget nibh in ante luctus congue consequat tempus libero VANDELAYindustries.

They also keep the caps when using the shortened version:

If you need widgets, call VANDELAY today.

I'm looking for some concrete, authoritative rules to cite when I bring this up to them. Can anyone help? The more specific, the better.

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