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Topic : Re: Should I write the actual death scene? I am writing a novel, and in one part, a boy falls off the building. I feel like it would be very gory. Most people said to write in great detail, -

10% popularity

We can't tell you what should happen in your story. (In fact, questions asking what to write are off-topic here.) But perhaps you can ask yourself a few questions:

If the scene is described graphically, in gory detail, what effect will that have on the reader? Will it help to further the story, or will it cause the reader to put the book down in disgust? (Identifying your audience will help you puzzle out that last point.)
If the boy dies, what effect will that have on the other characters, and the rest of the book? (If you don't know what's going to happen, you could always spend a little time planning the story. If that's not your style, perhaps you're a seat-of-the-pants writer and need to embrace that.)

In either case, I suggest you just write. Write it all now, and fix the problems later. Your questions will also become easier to answer when they're attached to a finished draft.

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