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Topic : I kicked a soccer ball around in the park yesterday and now I'm trying to decide if I should go pro or get a college scholarship. Any ideas? Or, slightly more directly... if you've only -

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I kicked a soccer ball around in the park yesterday and now I'm trying to decide if I should go pro or get a college scholarship. Any ideas?

Or, slightly more directly... if you've only written two poems until now, probably your two poems aren't much good. I guess it's not impossible that they are, but for most people, writing is a skill that needs to be developed and refined. So, with that in mind, you're probably pretty early in your writing life to be looking for publication.

There certainly are journals that accept and pay for poetry (although I don't think there are many poets making much real money at it, so it's good you've got a day job!) but they tend to look for... well, they tend to look for really good poems. Which, again, your two poems probably aren't.

It certainly isn't impossible that you'll get your poems published - but do look out for the 'publishers' who want YOU to pay, rather than the other way around. There are contests and such like this, mostly aiming at teenagers but some at older writers. They're a scam, more or less.

But more realistically, I think it would make sense to post your poems, get some feedback, refine your craft, and eventually submit for publication when you've got a better idea of what's required.

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