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Topic : Re: What are the tricks to avoid repetition in writing? After some time of working on my research, I usually have a structured information of my results, which I can best describe in bullets/numbers. -

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From Strunk & White's Elements of Style:

Express co-ordinate ideas in similar form.
This principle, that of parallel construction, requires that expressions of similar content and function should be outwardly similar. The likeness of form enables the reader to recognize more readily the likeness of content and function. Familiar instances from the Bible are the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the petitions of the Lord's Prayer.

Do not think that varying simple expressions makes a better writer. It can and will distract the reader. In your case, I would suggest making the list even more uniform:

We first discuss the most relevant research papers. We next discuss our selected composition rules and how to evaluation them. We then discuss our optimisation method and camera search spaces. We finally discuss the results of rendering a well-known film in our system.

Note the repetition:

We first discuss...
We next discuss...
We then discuss...
We finally discuss...

These phrases become almost transparent for the reader, putting the focus on what's being discussed.

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