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Topic : Re: Tips for humor writing Are there any techniques you can use while brainstorming to find humor to include in an article? -

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When I write jokes I'll often begin with stream-of-consciousness "brain vomit," putting every possible thought to paper. I'll mark places I think people would laugh with an asterisk. This is more organic than just trying to think of funny things.

After this you can cross out everything that lacks an asterisk, and rework your sentences so that the asterisk comes at the end. After this you can present your laugh lines to others and learn how well you judged the asterisks. Then practice practice practice.

I know it's a unique technique (as far as I know I'm the only one who does it) but it works well for me.

I'm really bad at oranges.*
I read if you put your thumb in by the stem you can pull off big chunks,
But what I do is just eat apples.*
God made convenient fruit.*
You can just bite it* and your hands don't get sticky.*
Why would you eat coconuts on an island that also has bananas?*
"I didn't bring my machete to lunch.*
I wish there were an alternative.*"
Banana ka-bobs,* banana creole,* banana gumbo.*
Pan fried,* stir fried,* deep fried.*
People die from coconuts.*
Apples help you discover gravity.*

Once you've got a presentable "joke framework," I've found that asking other people for ideas is a great way to improve/replace the jokes.

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