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Topic : Re: Database for Characters? I have been on the search (passively, that is) for some sort of database type tool to put characters in. I would want/need the basic stuff (height, birthdate, skin color, -

10% popularity

If you like the way Wikipedia is organized with respect to the information of the real world and you'd like something akin to that for your world (even if you choose to restrict it to characters only), you'll be happy to know that you can use their software, MediaWiki. To use it, you only need to set up a local HTTP server that supports PHP (with programs like XAMPP or WampServer, this is a matter of minutes) and you can access it through a browser.

MediaWiki allows you to create parameterized templates that you can then place on your page and pass them specific parameters. For example, infoboxes in Wikipedia (the things that appear on the right side of the page for every person, fictional character, movie, company, country, language, etc) are parameterized templates. Regrettably, the markup language used to define these templates is cumbersome, but at least you won't have to do it too often.

And as you probably know from Wikipedia, MediaWiki will also allow you to write descriptions for your pages, link to other pages, create searchable categories, upload media, etc.

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