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Topic : Re: I am a 16 year old who wants to be a writer, but can I? I'm 16 years old and I've wrote about 4 to 5 different books. I have two that I think would be good enough for the public to -

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First: gosh that's gorgeous, well done!

Second: join a critique group. I use Reddit and ACFW. There are others. They will critique your work, help you improve, and crucially, help you deal with rejection. Your friends and family cannot effectively critique your work because they want to be nice to you, you need random internet strangers.

Third: practice practice practice. I sometimes use Reddit writing prompts for this. There are online writing courses you can take which will teach you about POV and how to drive a story. I carry a tiny cheap Chromebook with me and write any chance I get.

Fourth: once you are ready, read the submission guidelines for several publishers carefully, format your work exactly as they ask, then send it in.

Remember most writers will not get rich. This is something you do because you love it, because not doing it would be sad.

So to answer your question, what publisher would publish your book: probably none unless it's amazing and you get lucky. Most books will never be published by traditional publishing houses, just like most songs will never be played on the radio.

If you want to go down the self publishing route though this can be rewarding. Amazon, Kobo, iBooks.

The downside of this is that you won't receive the services of a professional publishing house, cover art, connections with bookstores, editing, proofreading, etc, and you won't have a gatekeeper telling you if your book is OK or not.

Getting involved in a critique group, online or otherwise would be your first step.

Best of luck!

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