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Topic : Re: What do I need to know about publishing a book which I have illustrated, not written? I recently went to the market to buy books for my 2 year old kid and found many expensive books printed -

10% popularity

It's possible --and common --to re-release a story that has passed into the public domain with new illustrations. However, you would almost certainly need to be an established illustrator first.

Your best bet --if you want a traditional publisher --is to put together a portfolio of sample illustrations showcasing your style. Illustrating a well-known story (such as the ant and the grasshopper) is probably a good plan (as long as you don't expect that those illustrations will likely be published --they are just samples).

You can then send that portfolio out to publishing houses. If one likes your work, they will hire you to illustrate a book. Usually publishers like to pair established writers with new illustrators and vice-versa. If your work becomes popular enough, you will start to gain some control over deciding what projects you work on. Until that point, you'll just need to take whatever work you are given.

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