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Topic : Re: Show Don't Tell How would you use "Show Don't Tell" imagery to portray a person who is watching something (an encounter) that makes him 'freeze' in his spot? All I can think of is: He is -

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Describe what is happening to his body and (since you said this is his POV) his thoughts and feelings about it. For example:

"He felt as if an invisible force was turning his body to stone. An ache in his lungs made him realize that he wasn't sure whether or not he was breathing. He willed his limbs to move but they stayed as still as stone. For a fleeting moment he thought he'd become a statue."

Alternatively, if you don't want to grant access to his mind, you can show he is frozen by showing it in his actions. For instance, he strikes a match and is about to light his cigarette when he sees whatever freezes him. He never quite lights it, but instead stares ahead until the match burns down to the fingers holding it.

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