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Topic : Re: Quality of my blog writing I came here from Jeff Atwood's blog where he mentions that writing a blog can clear your own internal thought processes and that you should take feedback about your -

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I firmly believe that the absolute best thing that you can do for your writing is reading. Don't limit yourself to blogs, read books. If you like quote them. But there is nothing which helps literacy (the prerequisite for writing) than reading good authors in the field.

The next best thing you can do is force yourself to write. Update your blog daily if possible. If you write something which is sub-par and you don't believe that you can honestly post it, save it. You may be able to salvage it later. I still remember of the worst books I had to read in high school was called, Be True To Your School (I can't de-recommend it enough). I disliked the story, but I can't fault the premise: if you want to be a writer, for goodness sakes, WRITE, daily, if not more often. The advice can't be that bad -- the author went on to become an award-winning writer for the Chicago Tribune.

As a bit of an aside, I always find that writing is easier to read if it has a touch of personality to it. This is your blog: you are not writing for a science journal. Self-expression which does not diminish communication is a good thing. (On the other hand, there are some major benefits to learning to write in a different style from how you would otherwise think). ("Never ask for advice from an elf, for he answers both yes and no." -- Tolkien)

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