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Topic : Use of ellipses at the end of a passage My actual passage is a bit involved, but I've had this come up a few times over the years, and I've never resolved the issue. So I'll give a generic -

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My actual passage is a bit involved, but I've had this come up a few times over the years, and I've never resolved the issue. So I'll give a generic passage. I posted this question on ELU but didn't get very far.

Mars, the Red Planet. But to the Romans, he was the God of War! Herein lies the story [?]

Imagine this as a prologue or at the end of a prologue.

A period doesn't seem right. If I use ellipses, three dots or four? If four, ... ., ...., or . ...?

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An ellipsis is always three dots. However, when used at the end of a sentence, a period is also used, meaning that the ellipsis appears to have four dots.

There appears to be different standard formats for the spacing between the period and the ellipsis depending on what it is being used for, whether you are referencing a quote for example. Unless you wanted to research the different standards, I would say simply choose one standard and be consistent with it.

As for when using an ellipsis is appropriate, in creative writing I tend to use it for when something is supposed to be left unfinished, such as a trailing thought. Your example, I would say, constitutes an appropriate usage, as the sentiment behind the sentence is unfinished, with the story following on from it.

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