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Topic : Re: Swearing in a book, within a context. Too offensive? I am currently writing a science fiction novel. The characters are almost uniformly pirates and/or miners in the asteroid belt. Having worked -

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Look at your characters. If they are people who are likely to swear then to strip them of that is to make your characters less realistic.

Look at the scenes you're creating, if you're writing the conversation between a group of mid-twenties guys in a bar, it would be strange if they didn't swear.

Obviously your perceived audience comes into that, if you're writing a children's book, then you probably shouldn't!

But if you're putting your audience's reactions before what your gut is telling you about your characters then the end result is going to feel like you have watered down your own emotions for it.

Write the characters you want, with the language they would use. It is the only way to write well.

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