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Topic : Re: Where to draw the line between fantasy and reality in a story? I realize this question may sound broad or vague, so allow me to explain. I never knew much about combat or dealing with injuries -

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I am afraid that if I write a scene like the one with Joe above, people might criticize it for being unrealistic, even if I was writing a fantasy.

Hang a lampshade on it.

Beefy McProtagonist had seen bards who clearly knew nothing of actual combat perform tales in which a blow to the back of the head would render an adversary unconscious for hours, almost as if it somehow put them to sleep, but any experienced warrior knew better. Such a blow might daze someone, or even knock them out for a minute at most. Any longer, and they'd either be up on their feet again, or at death's door. No, to really put someone out that long, you'd need a wizard and a sleeping spell.

This helps to establish the ground rules by explicitly letting the audience know that you're aware of this convention and it's not going to be used here.

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