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Topic : Re: Do most e-book writers just self publish on Kindle to start with? On a lot of writers forums and in articles, it seems like Kindle is the main platform most self-publishing writers use just -

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Τhis is a highly opinion seeking question and isn't suitable for an SE site. I'll try to respond with supporting facts. I am talking only about publishing e-books.

Kindle is by far the easiest "commercial" platform to publish your book, with the least barriers to get your work out there. Kindle has reading devices and also apps for smartphones. This gives it the largest digital content consuming user base. No fee for publishing or showcasing your content. Easy payment gateway for both buyers and publishers. You can publish under multiple pseudo pen names (one for each genre).

My opinion :

Making it so easy to publish, it gets a lot of mediocre and bad content. A good piece of writing tends to get lost.
Unless you can market your book, it might never catch the right audience.
Fiction novels are most difficult to gain user base. People may or may not like your style, leading to bad reviews, if any.
Great place to put up non -fiction and self help books, provided you are an expert in that field. Buyers know what to expect from your title.
To get your name out there, it is a great platform. Add a bit of marketing and you can see some decent sales, provided that your book is good.
Kindle's KDP select program provides some aid in marketing your book. But for it you must make your book exclusive to Amazon Kindle, i.e you can't publish it elsewhere.

If you have put real effort and feel your book is good, you might try pitching it to publication houses/literary agents. If you can invest in marketing, Kindle is a really good platform.

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