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Topic : Re: What to do if your story seems too similar to another? My story involves a government run program for the paranormal and the main protagonist is a demon. My problem is that I don't want people -

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Unless you're incredibly brilliant and creative, any story you write will be similar to other stories in some ways. "Oh, that's a love story, just like Romeo and Juliett." "A story about spies, just like James Bond." Etc.

Fortunately for those of us who like to read fiction, there is a lot of variation possible within these broad categories. If your story matches somebody else's story in a hundred ways, if it sounds like you took somebody else's story and just changed the names of the characters and a few other details here and there, then sure, people will rightly say your story is a rip-off. But having a couple of points in common with someone else's story in the broadest sense ... I wouldn't worry about it.

Think of how many books and movies and TV shows have been written about a brilliant detective who solves a baffling murder mystery. Or about two people who fall in love, then something happens to separate them, then they get back together and live happily ever after. Etc.

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