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Topic : Lists of Suggested Magazines to Submit To I recently began writing poetry again. I would like to look into submitting my poems to a magazine. Where can I find a list of literary magazines -

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I recently began writing poetry again. I would like to look into submitting my poems to a magazine.

Where can I find a list of literary magazines through which I could sort to find a possible fit?

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If your work falls into the "genre" category, then the following sites might be useful:

Duotrope: has lots of genre entries, but also general/literary markets
Ralan's: predominantly SF/F/H markets, but is a great site (not the greatest looking site, but good content)

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Writer's Market publishes a few different books, including one for poets, which include listings of publishers, agents, magazines, contests, anthologies, etc.

You can find them in most major bookstores. They come out once a year, but there are also listings available on their paid-subscription website: . It's worthwhile noting that when you buy the book, you get a paid subscription for a year.

Generally speaking it focuses on the American/Canadian markets, and I'm not sure if there's something similar for the UK/Australia/New Zealand/Other English Markets.

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You might want to check out Poets & Writers. It is a bi-monthly magazine.

And as it says on their home page:

"If you’re looking for writing competitions, or literary magazines and small presses that welcome both new and established writers, begin here."

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