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Topic : Re: Using the name of fictional characters/series in a different context I was wondering about if I could use the name of the fictional character Magneto in the scifi book I'm writing. There is -

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You're probably safe in how you are using these references, however you have to be the judge of how much you are using and how you want your audience to view your work. Parody is fine, and is acceptable to the farthest extent as it is seen as being almost satirical and not taking away or competing with the original work, but highlighting and referencing it. I found this helpful article that I think probably describes your question best and should help you determine whether these references are acceptable or not.

As a quick note, it may also be helpful to review the use of copyright law under the people you reference. Steven Spielberg for instance is notorious for legally protecting his work and going after things he considers rip offs, so be careful, just because it is well known doesn't necessarily mean it will be well received by the original source.

My last personal recommendation is aside from the "Magneto" reference which I thought was really clever and interesting, unless you are writing a parody it is always better to try and describe it as best you can instead of referencing it. It'll grow your skills in descriptive writing, and will help your reader a lot as a reference can be very distracting from the rest of the narrative.

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