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Topic : Re: Adding a PoV after the first novel in a series I am currently developing a series of fantasy novels, and have discovered that I will likely be adding a second point of view in the second -

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I think it is dangerous to switch POVs. It is difficult enough to succeed as a writer, so why stack more obstacles if you do not have to.

I agree with @What . The reader will like the character or the world. If the reader identifies with the POV character, switching POV would be detrimental.

Multiple POVs are more adapted to very detail led epic worlds, and are generally embedded there from the start. Else, there are long series with different POVs for each book.
A good illustration of switching POVs from one book to another are the Discworld and Xanth series. However, you will note that in these and other example given there are many POVs. So, it seems that what normally works is one POV or many POV.

For just a few POV look at the Chalion “trilogy” by LMM Bujold, each book has a very different POV and story. Readers respond very differently to each book. Many do not consider it a series but 3 independent books in the same world.

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