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Topic : Re: Borrowing or stealing phrases Many times I come across phrases or single sentences (never longer) on the internet in the form of YouTube comments and the like which resonant with me. Often I -

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A friend once said:
"Every beautiful thought we consider ours."

At the age of 13, I used quotations in my writing so often, it felt like I didn't have a single thought of my own.

They called me "the walking sutra"...

As much as I revere the talent of other writers, I have to say I have outgrown this practice big time!

Whenever I try to steal or borrow the thought of another - be it a thought I like very much - it now looks to me peculiar, especially in contrast with my own writing. The good flow of words is breaking. Your style is suffering. What you can do instead is borrow the idea and dress it in your own words.

Picasso said: Bad artists copy. Great artists steal.

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