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Topic : Re: Do I need to make use of paragraphs when writing a novel and if so, how? This might be a stupid question but I am trying to write a small novel, and my structure just doesn't seem right. -

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Like all rules, only break it if you understand why it works, and you're breaking it deliberately to create an effect.

Paragraphs break up the copy into more digestible chunks and make it easier to read. A paragraph can have one to a few thoughts in it, or one thought can be spread over multiple paragraphs.

If you don't use paragraphs, what you're writing is just stream-of-consciousness. This can make it hard to read, because your copy becomes a wall of gray text. Some readers like stream-of-consciousness; some characters need it. It doesn't work for me as a reader, but it may work for you as a writer. You have to write your book and share it with others and get feedback.

If you use paragraphs, the length is dependent mostly on content, with some influence of "rhythm" — your inner ear telling you that this is a natural pause point for a thought.

For formatting, you indent the first line of a paragraph rather than using an extra return.

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