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Topic : Which free licence to choose for my book (manual)? I wrote a 50 page manual that I plan to release for free. I do not mind if the book is copied, translated, printed, shared, ... I just -

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I wrote a 50 page manual that I plan to release for free. I do not mind if the book is copied, translated, printed, shared, ... I just want two things:

I am the only person who can sell a copy of this manual on Amazon (and others).
If anybody uses the material from the book that the original author (me) is mentioned somewhere.

Under which license should I publish the book?

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The closest fit would be Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike". That will allow translations (and expansions, clarifications, electronic versions and so forth) but prevent commercial distribution of the original or any derived version.

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How about creative commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs"?

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