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Topic : How to create a title I am at a dilemma, as I cannot title my novel. So I created these questions. What creates a good title for a novel? What should I include/not include in my title? -

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I am at a dilemma, as I cannot title my novel. So I created these questions.

What creates a good title for a novel?
What should I include/not include in my title?

At the moment, I have come up with 'The Day Before', however I believe that that's quite generic. On the other hand, it does fit the plot, as the end of the novel begins to revolve around what happened the very day before the day in which the first chapter is set.

So, after writing that paragraph I came up with this addition.

How can I make my title original?

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One technique is to read your story through and highlight phrases that pop out. Then choose one or a few and tweak them if necessary. Take your short list to your writing group for feedback.

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I recently watch 7 editors choose stories for anthologies. They had read all of the stories a month or two earlier, and were now considering them in front of a live audience.

Every now and then, an editor would pick up a manuscript from the pile, read the title out loud to the audience, and say, "I have no memory of this. Give me a minute..." Then they'd flip through their notes.

Two of the stories were called "Payback." Fine stories both, but the titles did not help the editors recall them or distinguish them.

Then there were the stories where the editor would read the title out loud, and everyone in the room would instantly recall the important details of the story. (Sorry, I can't give examples. The stories haven't been published yet.)

What we in the audience learned from this: One key goal of a title is to help the editor instantly recall the story.

Probably the same for readers, and for word of mouth.

So find a title that helps people instantly recall some key ingredient that makes this story unique.

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When I am Writing my titles I make a list of what I think is most important about the story. Then what I do is I reread parts of it. then I brainstorm and write words that come to me, about and from the book. I will read them then try and make a something that sums up the book. For instance, I wrote a story about a well that holds all the memories of the world. I titled it well of memories. Then I search for the title, I came up with just to ake sure it not taken.

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