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Topic : Re: Is it bad writing or just the plot if the hero ends up being as evil as the villain in order to stop the villain's evil? The villain is evil; he does evil things to the world's people. -

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Your character can follow a negative character arc (e.g. Anakin Skywalker, Nick Carraway) which can mean that he rejects the truth in preference for a lie, even a darker lie than the one he started out with, and this in turn can make him do bad things. (In the case of Anakin Skywalker, he saw the truth, but rejected it in order to embrace the lie - I think we all know how that turned out in the end... Nick Carraway believed in a lie, but overcame it and found the new truth was tragic.)

Characters that follow negative arcs might have to pay a steep price for it.

Perhaps your hero saves the world, but the world isn't thankful for it and shuns him, so the story might become a battle between doing what must be done on one side and conforming to the social codes and risk the world on the other.

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