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Topic : Re: How to portray a likable terrorist? The protagonist of my new story is a young cyberterrorist, who mainly attacks corrupt governments and uses his hacking skills to harm corrupt leaders and high -

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You are describing a dark hero and the best way to make a dark hero palatable to the a non-sympathetic reader is to draw a line in the sand, across which your character will not cross.

He's successfully bypassed the firewalls of the air defense missile battery and targeted the throne room of a corrupt monarchy. Black Ice defenses are tracking him down and he only has a few moments before they locate his computer center. It's now or never, fire or flee, and chances are that he will never get this close again. He glances down at the throne room security feed which he tapped into a few hours earlier.

Nuns, petitioning the king for aid! "No! ...anything but Nuns"

Dashing to the wall, he yanks the main power feed. Every computer in the room falls to black, invisible in the resulting darkness, both here and in the cyber world beyond. With a prayer that the monarch's black ice defenders haven't marked his location, he resigns himself to letting the monarch live a little longer.

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