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Topic : For trilogies, is there any order of time periods the story should follow that is considered more appropriate? Like totally chronological (starting in the beginning of the world's story events -

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Like totally chronological (starting in the beginning of the world's story events and going on to the future), or in the present-past-future order, or another?

Is there any specific time order better or more advantageous than the others?

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The previous answers are pretty good, contributing my penny.

If you are writing a trilogy, you are talking about a specific set of characters which are time bounded (can exist for a specific period of time it's upto you to make them live in all 3 books and/or show their ancestors-descendants) in other 2 books.
If you are depicting same people throughout the series then it should be chronological. (Enough theory lemme give an example)

I am writing a trilogy of a hero Ashk first book depicts as if it is 2020, so I can't stretch story to 2018 in book 2 or 3, cause readers know he is going to make it in 2020(unless you show time travel where he risks his present if he messes up in past, am I giving you clues, sorry for putting thoughts in your mind)

Another possibility Is the story happens to be about hero Ashk in 2020 and ends up with new hero(say Nymeria) rising. This new hero (Nymeria) can have her story in the same time line for book 2, and you can make wonder in book 3 depicting how it all started/blast from past/mystery revelation/any other cool idea and make both of them coexist or however you may please.

To cut it short, if it's about same person chronological timeline should be adhered unless it involves time travel. if it has more than one central character and a very deep mystery or something like that helping you keep the grip over audience alternate timelines can be used.

PS: its your trilogy you can write it whatever the way you want, the motto should be making yourself happy. One should not write to please people, that prevents him from writing to his full potential.

Hope this helps.

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Most trilogies or series follow chronological order, but there's no requirement. Do whatever serves your story. As long as it's clear to your reader what's happening when in relation to other events, you can present events in whatever order works for you.

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