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Topic : Re: How to write dream sequences? I'm trying to write a sequence where the main protagonist is taken in their dreams to an archangel. However, I kind of think it sounds a bit childish, as I'm -

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Typically, when dreaming, we don't realize we're dreaming, so the way to write that most closely approximates the actual experience of dreaming is just to write as if it were any other scene, but with the unquestioned alterations to reality and believability that are typical of dreams.

Although the character is fooled by the reality of the dream, you probably don't want the reader to be as well. You don't have to be elaborate, just acknowledge that it's a dream and move on.

Maria dreamed she was standing in front of a golden throne, high on a cloud...

Another common way to tip off the reader is to place the dream in italics.

Somehow, Maria found herself standing in front of a golden throne, high upon a cloud

Or, try a simple heading:

Maria dreamed:

She was standing in front of a golden throne, high upon a cloud...

Sometimes authors change tense, or from third-person to first-person. These are just ways to suggest an altered state of consciousness.

Maria fell deeply asleep.

Suddenly I find myself in front of a golden throne...

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