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Topic : Re: Dialog, just what's the best way to write it? I've come across the following conventions: "What’s this for?" asked Jake. Sue replied, "None of your business." He shrugged his shoulders. -

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If you're writing a novel, the correct way to go is Example 1. Example two is completely wrong in novels and is only seen in amateur writers. If you send something like that to a publisher they'll most likely laugh at you and automatically reject it.

Modern advice is to use as few dialog tags as possible. Most publishers want you to use action tags instead.

Susan leaned against the door jam. "What are you up to?"
Bill closed his laptop and turned to look at her. "Nothing!"
"Uh huh..." Susan narrowed her eyes. "Wanna try that again?"

Action tags give the reader a better grasp of what's going on.

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