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Topic : Re: When Showing Over Telling Becomes Too Extravagant I recently read the question "What does show don't tell actually mean?" and in the answers, there were a few examples of showing that had extensive -

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The question has no single answer. Only opinions will you receive.
Here’s mine: if the description seems to be too much, prune it to let the fruit show.

However, I may be able to shed light on why the example you shared seems extensive. It ends with this chunk of Telling:

John both hoped and feared that Joan would catch him, and he was both glad and disappointed as he walked away from her house.

Here’s a rewrite with less Telling:

Laying the flowers on Joan's doorstep, he crouched to listen within. A creaking floorboard tightened his entire body. John bolted up to stand face-to-face with her and explain everything. The peephole in the door stared at him, accused him. Then he saw it darken. Joan was staring at him, accusing him through the door that might as well have been a mile thick. He drifted back, as his feet carried his unforgivable soul away.

It’s longer, but (arguably) more engaging.

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