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Topic : How do I portray a particular moment as climactic? It's a first person novel, and the main character has just overcome some emotional and mental barriers in order to unlock his telekinetic potential, -

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It's a first person novel, and the main character has just overcome some emotional and mental barriers in order to unlock his telekinetic potential, under the training of his mentor.

“Do it, Aiyzaya. I believe in you!”
“Let it motivate me.” I whispered, channeling my energy towards everything around me. All this pain, all this suffering, all my stress will be worth greatness. “Come on, Aiyzaya.” I whispered.
"Lift the block, Aiyzaya!”
And suddenly, every block in the chamber rose into the air, hovering high over our heads.

I dunno if it's me looking at things too deeply, but I just don't feel the climax. This is obviously my first time writing a novel. The idea in my head is great.
Prior to this Aiyzaya's come to terms with the huge sacrifices he's had to make, and the dear ones he's lost, and now after having confronted those repressed feelings, he's going to try one last time to lift a human sized, marble block with his telekinetic abilities. This moment is pretty key, and it marks his triumph over his repressed emotions. It just feels really sh*t, though.

P.S I'm aware it's spelled Isaiah lol. Also feel free to correct me on any grammatical/structural errors in terms of this being a novel.

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