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Topic : Re: Can a protagonist with questionable morals be appreciated? I'm completely new to this forum (or whatever it's called) so don't hesitate to point out anything done wrong. Also, please excuse the -

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As others have stated, the actions that your character takes should be put into a context that makes the reader understand, if not approve of, the action.

I look at the main character in the TV show Dexter. He's a serial killer. But the people he kills are "bad" people. If your character needs to kill innocent bystanders, there needs to be a reason that the reader can attribute to why.

Note that the character only has to believe that it is justified. And believe it in a way that can convince the reader. It may end up that the characters assumptions are incorrect, but that wasn't known when he took his actions.

The dark protagonist is a difficult line to walk, so be very careful, and get feedback from beta readers as to whether you are portraying your character like you want.

Good luck!

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