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Topic : How to determine whether or not a plot twist is needed? I should start by saying that this question is not this question, How to decide if a plot twist worth doing despite how similar they -

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I should start by saying that this question is not this question, How to decide if a plot twist worth doing despite how similar they sound. And, the answer I'm looking for was not at this question either, How/When to include twists when developing plot.

So, here is the situation. The novel that I'm working on is very close to completion; the climax and falling action are done, and it's in its resolution. But, to avoid ending the book too quickly and leaving the readers with questions unanswered, I had thought of a twist to put into the book.

I'll keep the explanation of the twist as simple as possible:

There are 8 main characters trying to escape a very dangerous situation. So dangerous, that one of the characters perishes in the escape. Now the other characters didn't like this character very much, one of those other characters liked her the least. I intend to have the characters find out that this deceased character was actually his little sister. Now, I don't think this will change much of the ending of the book, but I still think it would be an interesting twist to the story and it would definitely change his view of the character. Neither character involved in the twist is the protagonist of the story, though you do see things from the potential brother's perspective twice.

I'm not asking whether or not this specific twist is good, rather, is it needed? In a more general sense, how do you differentiate between a good plot twist and a unnecessary page filler?

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This is a good question, but one that's hard to answer without reading the book itself. My first thought is, it might depend on genre and the expectations of your readers. A good twist is always welcome if it builds the story and keeps your reader guessing.

However, a plot twist that is necessary will very likely be integral to the story. It will not be something that can be taken out with zero effect on the rest of the book. It needs to contribute something. Your reader should think, "Oh, that's interesting." and then go back and see all the clues you'd put in there along the way.

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