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Topic : Deciding Anonymous or Unknown and citations I am working on editing and revising a 100 year old text for re-issue and running into several concerns. The one I will deal with today concerns -

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I am working on editing and revising a 100 year old text for re-issue and running into several concerns. The one I will deal with today concerns citations and deciding whether to use anonymous or unknown and how to cite it. Throughout the work, the author liberally intersperses verses of poetry without referencing anything. I have been able to track down most of them but am left with about fifteen that I just cannot find. I do not like the idea of using ‘anonymous.’ They have an author. I just don’t know who it is.
Whichever way I decide to go, I still do not know how to cite it. All the references I can find are for citing an entire work. These would all be an unknown work by an unknown author on an unknown date, etc. At the same time, there would be a noticeable gap between Milton and Shakespeare if I didn’t put anything.

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