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Topic : Re: Writing in English, from the viewpoint of a non-English-speaking character, how can I convey a language very similar to the character's own? To provide a little background, I'm writing a novel -

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Two methods I can think of:

1) The character says or thinks what he's understood.

"So you want me to go to the hut in the forest and kill the wizard?"

He listened as the elders discussed the situation. Do they really want me to go into the Black Forest and take out the sorcerer who's cursed the whole kingdom? He wasn't sure if he was up for that.

2) The narration summarizes what the character thinks he's understood.

The elders spoke for a while. He couldn't follow the entire conversation, but he gathered that they wanted him to go into the great forest beyond the village and either incapacitate or kill the sorcerer who had cursed the kingdom. He wasn't sure if he was up for that.

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