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Topic : Capitalization after interrupted dialogue I'm confused about proper punctuation, spacing, and capitalization when a character is speaking and is interrupted by actions without continuing dialogue. -

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I'm confused about proper punctuation, spacing, and capitalization when a character is speaking and is interrupted by actions without continuing dialogue.

"Maybe we could—" My phone rang.

"Maybe we could—" The dog started barking.

"Maybe we could—" He raised his hand to silence me.

"Maybe we could—" Was that a scream?

Was it correct to capitalize My, The, He and Was?

Also, when another person is speaking and is interrupted.

"This is one of the best—" She was interrupted by Danny.

"This is one of the best—" She didn't finish.

"This is one of the best—" Started Jim.

Is it correct to capitalize She and Started?

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As a general rule, I tend to use dashes where the character is dramatically interrupted where as ellipses are used when it's a subtler interruption.

Tony:"But at least Thanos doesn't know where the final-"
Steve: "OH CRAP!"


Tony:"But at least Thanos doesn't know where the final..."
Steve: "Oh Crap."

In the former, Steve has an immediate and very sudden realization that something has gone terribly wrong. In the later, it's a softer realization.

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