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Topic : Re: How Can I Reliably Find Well Written Novels? Let me open by saying that I wasn't entirely sure how to ask this question and stay on topic. This is my best attempt. I do believe this question -

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Only you know what books are good and not. Having someone else tell you will limit your experience of literature. (And obviously your ability as a writer!)

If you don't take a risk and pick up books you might not like, that too will limit your experience/ability.

If you do not like the book, you can always put it aside!

If you do not know today if a book you're reading is good or bad, that's probably a sign you need to read more. And more diverse literature.

Get a library card.

Pick up books that seems interesting. Start reading them. Abandon those you don't like. If you're not stuck in a "total hole" your local library should have (or be able to take home) more books than you can ever read, even if you abandon 90% of them!

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