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Topic : What are the steps/plot-points of the Sequel Story? There are many ways to do a sequel, though for this question I'm only interested in one... The Post Hero's Journey/Apotheosis-Story. Lacking -

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There are many ways to do a sequel, though for this question I'm only interested in one...

The Post Hero's Journey/Apotheosis-Story.

Lacking a proper name for this narrative frame work "PHJ" is what I've taken to calling it; there may very well be a proper name for it, but I certainly don't know it.

I noticed a shared struckture by a number of sequels, sequels that each spring off [a completed Hero's Journey][1].

The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolution.
Kung Fu Panda 2.
Iron Man 2&3.
Capitan America 2&3
The second half of the anime series Tegena Topa Gurren Lagan.
The last two books in the Mistborn series.
Halo 4.

While similar to the Hero's Journey, the"PHJ" has a different emotional energy.
If the Hero's Journey is about Birth(starting with the Inciting Incident) and growth to adulthood. Then the "PHJ" is about adult life and eventual death; the death may be figurative.

Has anyone seen a...

Write up of a continuation to the Hero's Journey.
List of the plot points,story-beats, that are considered essential to a sequel.
Write up of the plot points in any of the media that I've listed as examples of the "PHJ".

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Okay... there are a few things that need to be said about the Hero's Journey.

First, it is not a writing tool, it is an analysis tool, hence its inherent ambiguity. If you're trying to write a HJ story, you're doing it wrong. You're really thinking about the Writer's Journey or the Hollywood Formula. HJ is not paint by numbers, contrary to popular belief.

Second, there is no Post HJ story. There is merely one HJ followed by another. The Call is a problem that needs solving. The Elixer and the Master of Both Worlds is the solution and its application. If a story ends on Apotheosis, it is either incomplete or is really a Return. Both the solution and its application can outlive the one who discovers it. And failure is always an option.

Third, Gurren Lagann is a Reconstruction of a Deconstruction of a time honored story structure common to Japanese Anime. The Gaint Robot Story popularized by Gundam, parodied by Macross, and Deconstructed by Evangelion. In all its forms, it is classic HJ, including the Master bit where the hero leaves his power behind to return to a normal life; or become his true self, ala OO.

Fourth, the HJ takes different forms depending on one's social setting and age. The fact that death is more probable as one gets older doesn't mean there's any more inherent Apotheosis, or that the story can end prematurely without being poorly written. The fact that most HJ stories deal with maturity speaks more of its typical Target Audience rather than its intent or structure. The fact that the "Post" HJ story appears when ending a series speaks more of the intent of the author than the intent of the tool, and is often yet another case of Raising the Stakes.

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