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Topic : Re: How to describe a character when writing in First Person Can someone give me ideas to describe my POV character to my reader when I am writing in First Person. I ask this because it's unnatural -

10% popularity

Give the character a reason to think about a few key attributes of her appearance.

If she's has some general attitude toward the attribute (pride, self-consciousness, …), create a situation where she experiences that attitude in the moment.
Create a situation where the attribute helps or hinders something she is trying to accomplish.
Put the attribute into contrast with someone or something. Her height vs someone else's.
Give her a choice to make where the attribute is a factor. Her skin tone vs color of apparel.
Have another character comment on the attribute.

For any of these choices, try to create a situation in which the character not only thinks about the attribute, but feels some emotion about it, or (perhaps better) has some persistent attitude about it. The emotion and attitude help the reader not only to picture the character, but to experience her.

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