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Topic : Re: Unquestionable Taboos and Self-censorship In the community/nation/country I am to be living, mentioning some themes is the best way to be ostracised for life (or for a very long time). Talking -

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Recode as science fiction.

Dune was about the battles over a large deserted area in which were the largest (in fact sole) deposits of a resource vital to the transportation logistics of an entire civilisation. There are many people who love that series that still don't get the relevance.

In fact almost everything that could be considered science fiction is really just lateral social commentary. Science is humanity's method for measuring reality and our tool for attempting to change it to suit ourselves. Whatever issues are prevalent can be extrapolated, placed into a futuristic or imaginary setting and discussed at length. Often, the people you are trying to reach with your communication will receive, decode, understand what you're trying ot say. People who would silence you if you spoke directly will not even know that you spoke.

Just stay away from children's fantasy cf. The Pope first condemning Harry Potter and then supporting it in preference to His Dark Materials.

Adult oriented science fiction can dramatise your message, deliver it in an exciting form to open minded individuals and hide itself from those who would seek to suppress commentary.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not in a position to have to resort to these tactics. I speak as someone who has observed the effect only.

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