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Topic : Re: Do light conditions affect writing? I've started to notice that I do a lot more writing at night, with my lights off. When I write with a light on, I get a slight migraine, and I'm not -

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Not sure if this question belongs on this site, however:

Psychologically for introverts, night time is a period of isolation due to silence and the fact that you have the reassurance of light (your computer screen) against our natural fear of darkness. Also, as light doesn't fluctuate like it does in the day - some people find it easier to concentrate. It varies from person to person, however working at night may allow you to:

Focus better due to the lack of distractions
Have more time to think, as you're not noticing the natural shift in time.
Concentrate more due to the only visible objects being your screen

Personally, I prefer writing at night due to these reasons - however be warned that due to the 'blue light syndrome' it may not be very healthy.

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