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Topic : Re: Unquestionable Taboos and Self-censorship In the community/nation/country I am to be living, mentioning some themes is the best way to be ostracised for life (or for a very long time). Talking -

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Start an anonymous blog, and if you're really worried about your name getting out, see what you can do about uploading from public computers. If you really don't care about personal rewards and only want the work to be out there, the internet is a good outlet.

Granted, that doesn't guarantee it will be read, and considering you're going to want to distance yourself from it, it probably won't be read by very many people. But it will be out there. And maybe you can publicize it anonymously on websites and forums that would go for the sort of thing you wrote.

I should say, though, that this kind of sounds like the sort of thing that you're writing for a very specific and very small audience. Consider who you really want to read this, and if it's just a handful of people that you personally know, consider writing it with the end-goal in mind of only showing it to those people.

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